I've had some problems with the link to the new comments that I started using. It works fine on my Mac, but on XP I had I little problems. Let me know by email if it doesn't work for you. I need my own server again!
Monday, December 29, 2003
Sunday, December 28, 2003
Happy Festivous everyone! I am finally back in Bellingham. It looks like it may have snowed while I was gone. The highway just south of Fairhaven was lined with snow, and the roads through campus were slicker than snot. I am really hoping for snow tonight.
I got some good stuff. Coffee, a coffee card, and dress clothes. I need good shirts to wear once I start my real job. Ai also sent me a beautiful wool sweater.
This week I will be cleaning my room, working and hunting for a good New Years party to go to.
I got a new commenting thingy. The old one I had, though more costomizable, had been getting really slow. I will keep an eye on it for the next few weeks to see how it's going, and if I want to switch back.
Posted by
9:54 PM
Sunday, December 21, 2003
I just watched this crazy movie that was part Matrix, part Crouching Tiger, in a Korean Kung-fu movie about Volcano High (火山高) done by MTV with Snoop Dog and Mya, and other rappers doing the dubbing. It was an interesting movie where high school Kendo, Rugby and Black Oxen get involved in a feud over a girl and control over the school. The school leader is set up by the head of the blue oxen for poisoning of the principle. The teachers from hell are brought in, and it is up to he new kid with supernatural powers to fight the new teachers and take back the school. Pretty trippy.
Posted by
10:22 PM
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
I Passed!!!
I can't believe it! I checked my grades today, fulling expecting to get an 'F' in my history class. (You know what they say, 'F' for effort...) I would have been completely happy with a C-. I had even checked on what classes I could use to replace it without having to take another history class, and was about to email the professor to see if I could take it without prerequisites.
So I checked my grades today, you know what she gave me? A B-!!!. Amazing. So next quarter, I have:
- Music 104
- Pre-Modern Japanese History
- East Asia 302 - A big paper
- Kanji 280 - To get enough credits for a full load
So next quarters only hard class will be East Asian studies, but it probably won't be that bad. Basically, I just have to write a paper. Now I just need some topic ideas.
Posted by
12:14 AM
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
It's so nice to be able to turn the brain off. Actually though, I have found that rather than turning my brain off, not thinking about school has allowed me to think about other things. I need to get the Java book from Yuka so I can learn Java this break. I think I have Flash MX somewhere on my computer. I should play with that too. I have already been learning about photography, study Japanese, and started to read a book. There is so much that one can do when the oppressive weight of school is lifted. Now all I need to do it get it lifted for good.
Posted by
8:43 PM
Monday, December 08, 2003
Hehe. Check this out. If you do a search for Miserable Failure in Google, you get something really cool for the first result. (Don't click the link though. That is just helping out the cause.) Here is a link to a BBC News article that explains why.
I also bought a red filter today for my camera. Yuka is going to teach me how to use a photo lab, so I bought some B&W film too. I also found some really cheap. 2.50 a roll, at a local camera shop.
Chinese History test tomorrow.
Posted by
5:26 PM
Sunday, December 07, 2003
Well, I turned in my paper. I was about 3 pages short of what she wanted, but I didn't care. It also lacked any editing, and just all around sucked, but at least I wrote it unlike some other person I know. I will be absolutely ecstatic if I actually pass the class. I'm not incredibly worried though because next quarter I only have 10 credits, so I can find another class to replace it if necessary. Maybe I should start looking for a replacement class now.
After my lovely paper was turned in, I had breakfast with Louise, Saki, Yuka, Akane and Yukiko at the Old Town Café. Then I went to sleep. The night before I stayed up until 4:30 working on my paper, then woke up at 6:30 to get back to campus to write until the deadline at 12:30. So I slept until 7pm, woke up to get dinner, buy Whiskey and Kaluah, and went to a cocktail party at Rae's house.
Rae has the coolest house in B'ham. It's not very old, only a few years, but it is on top of this huge sandstone rock in the Franklin neighborhood. You have to climb this huge narrow staircase up the rock to the French doors at the front porch. The house is not very wide, but what it lacks in width, it gains in height. Besides being built on a rock, it's three stories tall. The kitchen and living room are on the first floor, a sort of study and two bedrooms on the second floor, and a door on the second floor leads to a stairway to the last bedroom on the third floor. The room is octagonal, and has a porch on the south side with the most incredible view. Being three stories and built on a huge rock, it has have the best view in all of Bellingham. It is crazy! Much better than the Seahome Hill tower. Really cool.
One final left, then break!
Posted by
3:06 PM
Thursday, December 04, 2003
I am screwed. I thought my 15 page history paper was due on Monday, but I just talked to a girl in my class. It's due Saturday at noon. The only reason I have the time to type this is that I am waiting for a huge PDF to print. Life sucks. But it will be great after noon Saturday.
Posted by
11:47 PM
Monday, December 01, 2003
I think I got someone fired. It felt good. This guy was so slow and lazy. No customer services skills. He had to have been work study. He didn't know how to use the cash machine. He couldn't clean the milk that was dripping down my friends cup.
He couldn't make a Latté!
This is most inexcusable. The three of us went down there because I told them that Tony's coffee was better than Starbucks. My friend asked for hers to be hot, but when she got it, it was luke warm. When her friend asked for it to be hotter, he spilled half of it down the cup and didn't wipe it off all the way before handing it back to her. He didn't change the coffee when he made mine. It was terrible. My friends talked about how he should be fired.Upstairs, I talked with the manager, and he was sympathetic when I told him about it and I got a new latté. I should have gotten my friends one too, but I didn't think about it and they didn't speak up. Once the manager figured out who it was, he assured me he would not be back next quarter. They had had problems with him before. We'd done it. hahaha!!!
Posted by
6:22 PM
Sunday, November 30, 2003
So I took another look at the final Dr. Evil gave us for our Japanese Lit class. I expected that it wouldn't be that bad, considering that it is a take-home final, but It's going to end up being around 8 pages! I just got done writing 9 pages for her class, and I still need to work on my huge history paper! The worst thing is that she asked us the other day how we wanted our final. Wether or not we wanted all 4 books to be on the test. We didn't know what to say because we didn't know what to expect. You don't want to tell a teacher you want something on the test if it ends up that it is harder than what she was thinking about. But nothing we could have thought of would be like this. It sucks. Off to the library now to read the two books I haven't touched...
Posted by
1:19 PM
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
I finished my paper for my Japanese Lit class today. It was amazing how much shit I was able to put in that thing. It was supposed to be 8 pages, but it only came out to 6, so I messed with the fonts a little. :-) I am so tired. I was working on my paper until 3 am this morning, then I woke up at 7 to go to campus. My boss let me change my work schedule so that I was able to work on my paper in the morning. So I typed and nodded off form 8:30 to 11:50, printed it and turned it in 5 minutes before it was due.
After work I put together the packet of paperwork that I need to sent to the company that has hired me. It needs to be in Tokyo by Monday, but I was too late for pickup today, and this holiday is getting in the way. UPS can get it there by Tuesday for $35 if I drop it off at there station on Friday, but I think FedEx might be able to do it by Monday for $55. I will go check them out this Friday.
I was so tired after all this that I went home, cooked dinner, and went to bed at 7:30. I am taking a break now. My brain isn't tired anymore, but my muscles are aching. Gotta rest up for the big day tomorrow though! I am going to eat so much!
Posted by
10:58 PM
Monday, November 24, 2003
Well, I write two pages of my big paper last night, but I haven't even touched my Japanese Lit paper yet. I don't think it will be too hard, and I could probably do it tonight, but I am so incredibly exhausted. I probably won't touch anything from Dr. Wright's class either, so she's going to have a cow tomorrow. I didn't have to go to my AUAP class today because they are taking tests, so I went to the junk yard. I really should have taken a nap. I feel malnourished, but I've been eating fairly well the last few weeks. Must sleep...
Posted by
6:32 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2003
This is my first post. I guess you can tell since there is nothing else here. I am busy procrastinating. I have an 8 pager paper and a 15 page paper that I need to write, but I don't want to. I am tired. I feel drained. I need to get out of here. 17 hours a day on campus is killer. This isn't how life is supposed to be spent. :-) I must get it done. must get out. Must leave...
Posted by
10:12 PM