8 more weeks!
Music 104 test was so easy. I didn't buy the book and I went to class only 4 times, and I still aced the test. It's kind of nice having two really easy classes out of 12 credits. All I have to do is concentrated on my two papers and I'm out of here. If only I could concentrate on my two papers.
I sold the camera I just bought for $10 on ebay. It wasn't what I was looking for. I guess this time I will have to spend a little more time looking and a little more money. At least I sold it for a few dollars more that what I bought it for. I'm only $3 in the hole from shipping when I bought it. So Dansen, my "maybe someones dumber than me logic" worked.
My TESOL Observation is finally almost here. I don't remember if I explained it last time, but I thought I had passed, and my mentor talked to the observing instructor, and he told me I passed, and then two weeks before the end of the quarter, I ran into her and she asked me when I could reschedule another observation. Eh? Yup. So it's this thursday. Wish me luck.