Friday, May 28, 2004


Because it's what everyone wants. These pictures were all taken with my Cell Phone.

First, is a picture of the harbor, about a 3 minute walk from my apartment. Above is the Seaside line that goes past Seaside park and Hakkeijima Amusement park. Off in the distance, is Nojima, the park that I was heading to that day, where I met the Doctor/professor/olympic nut.

Next is the maid tunnel of the factory that was inside this mountain during WWII. It's all blocked off, most of the smaller caves are cemented shut, but this one just has a fence. I really want to go inside. Spelunking anyone?

On top of the hill, there is a lookout tower.

There's a really good view from up there. My apartment is this way.

Since people like my parents still only have 56k modems, I'll stop there for now. I think I'll have some pictures of Yokohama later.