Most blogs that I see are really horrible. I don't pretend that mine is great and interesting, but at least I can usually spell, or at least use spell check, and I write words out completely. Usually I have something to say as well. But list night I found two really great blogs. One blog I would swear was written by a history professor I had at Western. This professor describes herself as
"an overworked, underappreciated, over-educated, undervalued Professor seeking asylum from the often mind-numbingly boring world of academia. Help me use my grand IQ for something more than entertaining 19 year olds and conducting exciting, life-altering research for scholarly articles that only an average of 4 people will actually read...." and "a thirty-something, Professor with a long list of grievances and shorter list of things that are working in my life...."
Her entire page is black, and she has an avatar of a gothish looking cartoon girl. My history professor at Western always wore black, with these strange black wrist guards, drank at least 12 Diet Cokes in a day, and was never in a good mood. It was either bad, or worse. She wasn't a bad prof; I learned a lot, but we were all scared of her, and I think that's what made us learn.
The similarities between my prof and and darkness of this web blog are so similar, I might think that I've found her blog, except that this professor says she has two dogs and a husband of five years. I'm positive that the only living things in my professors house were a couple of cats.
Here are two fun professor blogs:
Advice at your own risk
Cheeky Prof