A friend of mine from the little english conversation school that I taught at the last time I was in Japan had a little party last night. In the few years since I was last in Japan, he's been very busy making connections, and now, he barely teaches anymore. Instead, he's gotten into the entertainment industry I suppose. His main job seems to be producing promotional stuff for a fancy restaurant owned by a friend, and doing shows. Also, his photography hobby is becoming something more than just a hobby.
Given this background, his party last night was huge. It was hosted in a trendy night club in Aoyama, one of the most expensive and trendy areas of Tokyo. He had giant prints of his and a friends photography on the walls, and two giant video screens playing a film they made.
The interesting thing about this whole thing was how he was able to hype his photo's to get people to pay $30 to see. He came up to where Ai and I were sitting and said "look at this! If you ever want to show some of your photos, just let me know. I can set up anything. Just low key at a resturant, or a club thing like this. Just add a little hype, and you can turn anybody into a legend. "The place wasn't packed, but it was pretty full. Lots of the normal club-goers, plus more than the normal amount of foreigners and some really strange arty looking people. Luckily we didn't have to pay to get in (I didn't expect him to let us all in free, but there was some confusion with fliers that he was supposed to send, and then not being on the guest list like we were supposed to. I was kind of disappointed about that. I've always want to be on a guest list) because Ai invited 3 friends, and they didn't really like the kind of music that was playing, so around 2 am, we left and went in search of a new place. We thought about going to a place than one of her friends works at, but it was way to fancy (dress code and all that) and drinks were $10 a peace, plus a table charge, so we eventually settled for a Japanese style bar until they closed at 5 am and we all went home.
Now I have a cold and have turned nocturnal.
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